Currently, Health Bridges offers three main services free of charge: in-person interpretation, health insurance enrollment assistance, and referrals to community resources.
In-Person InterpretationStationed inside the Emergency Room of Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, Health Bridges volunteers provide basic interpretation and assistance to Spanish-, Mandarin-, Cantonese-, and Tagalog- speaking patients.
Our Health Advocates help patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) communicate with the hospital staff during the admitting and registration process. They also help patients who have been admitted and their families find their way inside the hospital, understand hospital procedures, and communicate their basic questions and needs to the medical team. |
Insurance Enrollment Assistance
Referrals to Community Resources |
Our college volunteers make sure that their clients follow through with the full Medi-Cal application with follow-up phone calls.
Based on patients’ answers to our social needs screening form, Health Advocates work with our Community Engagement and Relations coordinators to find resources for which their clients are eligible. These resources include free/low-cost clinics, health education classes, transportation assistance, food stamps and legal clinics. |